Katie's last trip was a suprise vacation to Disney, always a magical place to go!
We thought we would all dress up in Disney and Superhero costumes for a second time and walk in Katie's and Jesse's honor during
the Fenton Freedom Festival Parade on July 4th, 2012. We handed out flyers to promote the 2nd Annual Katie's Game Golf event
being held on August 3rd, 2012 at Fenton Farms Golf Club on Torrey Rd. Fifth Third, Paragon Corvette Reproduction, and Fenton
Firefighters Charities are this years Event Sponsors! Tony Book's, Book Family Entertainment, Costumes by Judy, and Web Show
Planet helped bring our vision to life!
Thanks for letting us play dress up, we all will never forget the smiles that were on all the childrens (and adult's) faces as we filled the
Make a Difference - donate funds or your time to help a local Fenton, MI child with cancer today!